Arcana Force XIV - Temperance

Força Arcana XIV - A Temperança

Battle Pack: Epic Dawn
R$ 0,00
Fora de estoque
Arcana Force XIV - Temperance
During damage calculation, in either player's turn: You can discard this card; you take no Battle Damage from that battle. When this card is Summoned: Toss a coin and apply this effect. The effect lasts while this card is face-up on the field. ● Heads: Halve all Battle Damage you take. ● Tails: Halve all Battle Damage your opponent takes.
Mais informações
Número Coleção EN151
Raridade YGO Starfoil Rare
Tipo YGO Effect Monster
Subtipo YGO effect
YGO Level 6
Atributo YGO LIGHT
Arquétipo YGO Arcana Force
YGO Atk 2400
YGO Def 2400
Wallet Cash Back R$ 0,00
Seller Magus Market
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