Demon of Death's Gate

Demônio do Portão da Morte

MAGIC 2011
R$ 0,00
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Demon of Death's Gate
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Vila Celta

You may pay 6 life and sacrifice three black creatures rather than pay this spell's mana cost. Flying, trampleThe locks on the cages of the damned are opened with keys of marrow, sinew, and blood.
Foil MP
R$ 74,90

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You may pay 6 life and sacrifice three black creatures rather than pay this spell's mana cost. Flying, trample

The locks on the cages of the damned are opened with keys of marrow, sinew, and blood.

Mais informações
Wallet Cash Back R$ 0,00
Seller Magus Market
Edição MTG MAGIC 2011
Número Coleção 92
Cód Set m11
Raridade mythic
Tipo Creature — Demon
Custo de mana {6}{B}{B}{B}
Cor preto
Identidade de Cor preto
Cor da Borda black
Artista MTG Vance Kovacs
Palavra chave Flying, Trample
Formatos Válidos commander, duel, legacy, modern, oathbreaker, penny, predh, vintage
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