F.A. Dead Heat

F.A. Empate Apertado

Flames of Destruction
R$ 0,00
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F.A. Dead Heat
When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack: You can Special Summon 1 "F.A." monster from your Deck. You can only use this effect of "F.A. Dead Heat" once per turn. Once per battle, if your "F.A." monster battles an opponent's monster, before damage calculation: You can have both players roll a six-sided die. If your result is higher, increase the Level of your battling monster by 4, until the end of this turn (even if this card leaves the field). If your result is lower, destroy your battling monster. If it's a tie, both players roll again.
Mais informações
Número Coleção EN090
Raridade YGO Common
Tipo YGO Trap Card
Subtipo YGO trap
Arquétipo YGO F.A.
Wallet Cash Back R$ 0,00
Seller Magus Market
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