Frightfur Leo

Leão Peladura

Crossed Souls
R$ 0,00
Fora de estoque
Frightfur Leo
"Edge Imp Saw" + 1 "Fluffal" monster Must be Fusion Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. You can target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; destroy it, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK. You can only use this effect of "Frightfur Leo" once per turn. This card cannot attack your opponent directly during the turn you activate this effect.
Mais informações
Número Coleção EN041
Raridade YGO Super Rare
Tipo YGO Fusion Monster
Subtipo YGO fusion
YGO Level 7
Atributo YGO DARK
Arquétipo YGO Edge Imp
YGO Atk 2400
YGO Def 2000
Wallet Cash Back R$ 0,00
Seller Magus Market
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