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Flying {2}{R}: Harbinger of the Hunt deals 1 damage to each creature without flying. {2}{G}: Harbinger of the Hunt deals 1 damage to each other creature with flying.An Atarka dragon's exhale cooks what its inhale consumes.
R$ 0,00

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Flying {2}{R}: Harbinger of the Hunt deals 1 damage to each creature without flying. {2}{G}: Harbinger of the Hunt deals 1 damage to each other creature with flying.

An Atarka dragon's exhale cooks what its inhale consumes.

Mais informações
Wallet Cash Back R$ 0,00
Seller Magus Market
Número Coleção 230
Cód Set scd
Idioma PTEN - Português/inglês
Qualidade NM - Quase nova | Near Mint
Raridade rare
Tipo Creature — Dragon
Custo de mana {3}{R}{G}
Cor verde, vermelho
Identidade de Cor verde, vermelho
Cor da Borda black
Artista MTG Chris Rahn
Palavra chave Flying
Formatos Válidos commander, duel, legacy, modern, oathbreaker, penny, pioneer, vintage
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